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Tranquility Tuesdays in the LLC

To build on our Social Responsibility focus at Bridge, a school team received an innovation grant for our Learning Library Commons.  Continuing on this journey initiated last year and ignited by the excitement brought on by our EASE Pro-D Day in September, Catherine Sugiarto (librarian), Marnie Flores (school counsellor) and a newly formed Social Responsibility committee believed that the library learning commons was an ideal starting point for all our students to learn specific strategies to support the EASE lessons being taught in the classroom and practice mindfulness.  

A Calm Corner was created to support emotional regulation needs in students. It is a designated space that students can go to when they feel their emotions are running too high and they need to regain their emotional and physical control.  A trolley with various calming tools was created to support self regulation.  Students were taught how to use each tool effectively during their classroom library times.

To give our students a "break" from the hecticness of their classroom and all the construction happening all around our school, Tranquility Tuesdays was created.  During this scheduled time, our students (often accompanied by a resource teacher or EA) come to the library to decompress, practice different calming strategies, and/or be in a quiet, working space.  






Updated: Monday, August 7, 2023