Innovation Project #1 - Library Learning Commons
Our Teacher Librarian and Bridge teachers have been exploring ways to tranform the library into a learning commons space that engages students in their learning and provides more opportunities for creative and playful storytelling.
Inquiry Focus
How did we determine our focus and what are we learning from listening to our students?
We want to make our library the heart of our school and storytelling is an art that is part of our rich Canadian history. We would like to mold our library into a learning commons space that provides engaging opportunities for story telling that can be communicated in a variety of creative and playful ways through the use of different techniques and materials.
What inquiry question(s) do we have?
How can we use different tools/techniques to explore and communicate oral language strategies in the library similar to traditional storytelling, such as teaching social responsibilities through the core competency of creative communication skills.
Inquiry Actions and Reflections
What actions will you take to enhance student learning and professional learning?
The TL and T will collaborate on providing students and other teachers the appropriate materials/space to inspire inquiry-based learning which promotes creative storytelling.
How will you know if you are making a difference for student learning?
It will be an ongoing process with students and staff providing self and social reflection. There will be opportunities to showcase their work to other groups in the school as well as creating a sense of stronger community that will begin and grow from the Bridge library learning commons.