Student Voices: Reflecting on Thinking and Learning at Bridge This School Year
Almost all students from K to 7 were asked nine questions reflecting on life and learning at Bridge this year:
1) What were your favorite and/ or most fun things you learned this year?
2) Why were they your favorite - so much fun?
3) What were the most important things you learned this year?
4) Why were they important things to learn?
5) What other things do you want to learn about?
6) What things did you do well and / or are most proud of as a learner this year?
7) What are your next steps? What do you want to do better next year?
8) What makes Bridge a great school?
9) How can we make Bridge even better?
We have created "Wordles" capturing the most common responses from our students - in our primary and in our intermediate grades for several of these questions. The larger the text for a word or phrase, the more frequently it was used as a response by our students to the given question. (The most frequent responses are the largest words in each wordle)