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Primary Playground Monitors

With the excitement of our new playground and swing as well as all students being outside at recess for 25 minutes, we noticed a need for extra helpers on our Primary Playground.  One of our Kindergarten Teachers recruited students in grades 4-7 to sign up to be Primary Playground Monitors one day a week each at recess.  They were trained in how they could help out and were assigned to help out with the disc swing or to play games with students on the other parts of the playground.  Our Noon Hour Supervisors helped to laminate large yellow badges for these helping students to wear so that they could be easily identified.  The names of the student monitors for the day were announced during our Morning Announcements and they were often found organizing games with the younger students or asking if anyone needed help if they found a student playing on their own. 

Updated: Thursday, July 21, 2022