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Giving Student Voice 2023-2024

After reviewing our 2023 fall school scan, Bridge staff were curious and wanted to dive deep into its results with an inquiry project.  Inspired by the book, ''Belonging: The Science of Creating Connection and Bridging Divides'' by Geoffrey Cohen, two staff members dove into the area of student voice with a district inquiry grant in order to build and connect different voices that are present at our school.  

Students, from grades 4 to 7, were peer selected to represent their classes.  Their roles were multifaceted.  They gathered suggestions, ideas, comments from their classes and their voices were incorporated into various aspects of school life.  The student voice group met weekly and various issues were discussed.  When ideas came up that the student voice group wanted to work on, they shared their vision at planning meetings with teachers at the School Collegial Council meetings.  

The student voice representatives initiated their work by scanning their classes and asking the question:  How can we improve our sense of belonging and connection at Bridge?  All the intermediate students came up with a focus on special event days/ Spirit Days but with a twist.  They wanted to incorporate social justice in their initiatives and be able to support each other or other groups in our community.

After consultation, sharing and gathering of feedback, 5 dates and ideas were selected.  

1.  Pink Shirt Day (with Anti Bullying Presentation)

2. Twin/ Multiples Day (to promote unity, collaboration and to have fun)

3. Pi Day (to celebrate March 14th, Pies and raising money for a community organization selected by the school)

4. Everything but a Backpack Day (to promote unity, collaboration and to have fun)

5. Diversity Day (to recognize and honour the places we come from)

More information can be found in the Action portion of our School Story.




Updated: Monday, July 29, 2024