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Pi Day 2024 - A Student Voice Initiative

Our Student Voice Representatives scanned, polled and reviewed data from all the Bridge intermediate classes after they asked students, "How can we make Bridge a fun, connected community?  What more should and could we do?".  From the community's responses, it was clear that special Spirit Days were missing from this year's calendar.  So the representatives went back to their peers and asked them to brainstorm different possible Spirit Days.  One idea that came out of this process was "Pi Day" on March 14th.  In the process, the students at Bridge wanted to honour and raise money for the community program known as R.A.P.S.  (the Richmond Animal Protection Society).  

For this special mathematical day, we asked our community to donate pies/ cakes/ cookies (circles for Pi, of course!).  For 4 days, students had the opportunity to purchase raffle tickets to win a dessert.  The class which raised the most money could get the chance to "pie" a teacher or administrator!  It was a competitive, fun and delicious time had by all.  The Student Representatives aimed to raise $500 for R.A.P.S., but the Bridge School Community really got behind this initiative and raised over $1700.  Amazing!

This is a great demonstration of what can happen when our students have the opportunity to brainstorm, share ideas, work through a process and help a great cause.

Updated: Wednesday, July 17, 2024